​Descendants was founded in 1993, following a one-of-a-kind performance by the young people of African and Caribbean descent at St. Vincent's RC School in Acton, West London. The idea of establishing the organization came from overwhelming parental response. The positive overwhelming parental response generated from the evening made such an impact that the foundering members (Margaret Noel, Collette Noel, Chantel Noel, Celestina Uzoka, Lorraine Neckles, Helen Manufor and Kisha Noel) held a meeting to look into the development of a sustainable cultural group.
From this, Descendants Charity was born.
Since then, Descendants has empowered thousands of young people of African and Caribbean descent across the world. Achieving our mission to inspire, educate and motivate young people to reach their full potential.
​​Over the years, Descendants Charity expanded its reach and impact, collaborating with schools, community centers, and cultural institutions to broaden its educational offerings. ​Today, Descendants Charity continues to thrive as a beacon of cultural education and community support fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of African and Caribbean heritage. The organization remains dedicated to education, creativity and inclusivity, inspiring generations of children to explore their heritage and embrace their cultural identities with pride.


“ When Descendants began, there was nothing like it in the area. Its ethos was based on togetherness, being a family for African and Caribbean children to come together and learn from each other. When the club began we were not sure how it would develop. We did not have any money; however, we had an enthusiastic set of parents and interested individuals. Together as a group of parents, friends and associates we planned the Friday sessions - contributing and donating from our own pockets, we provided pens, paper and materials and, most importantly, time.”
Meet the passionate team behind Descendants Charity, committed to celebrating African and Caribbean heritage, our team brings together diverse expertise in education, arts, and community outreach.
Margaret Noel
Descendants Founder & Director
Celestina Uzoka
Descendants Treasurer
Elaine Beresford
Wendy James
Committee Member
Denise Charles
Descendants Chair
Collette Noel
Descendants Dance Director & Founder of Youth Street Beats
Berenice Miles
Committee Member & Education Advisor
Grace Lourie
Chantel Noel-Morris
Descendants Vice Chair, Curriculum Leader & Education Advisor
Janet Mitchell
Descendants Secretary
Carolene Hinds
Committee Member & Dance Director