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Joe Conforto
Joe Conforto

Bitsum ParkControl Pro Crack Full: A Powerful Tool to Optimize CPU Performance

Bitsum ParkControl Pro Crack Full: A Powerful Tool to Optimize CPU Performance

Bitsum ParkControl Pro is a software that allows you to tweak CPU core parking and frequency scaling settings in real-time, among other features. It can help you improve your system performance and responsiveness by adjusting the power plan parameters of your device. In this article, we will show you how to download and install Bitsum ParkControl Pro Crack Full, a cracked version of the software that unlocks all the features and benefits of the Pro edition.

Bitsum ParkControl Pro Crack Full

What is CPU Core Parking and Frequency Scaling?

CPU core parking is a feature that dynamically disables CPU cores when they are not needed, in order to save power and reduce heat. However, this can also cause latency when the cores need to be unparked to execute code, especially during bursting CPU loads. CPU frequency scaling is a feature that adjusts the clock speed of the CPU according to the workload, in order to balance performance and power consumption. However, this can also introduce overhead and instability when the frequency changes frequently.

Why Use Bitsum ParkControl Pro?

Bitsum ParkControl Pro is a software that lets you easily control CPU core parking and frequency scaling settings for both AC (plugged-in) and DC (battery) power states of your device. You can choose from predefined power plans or create your own custom ones. You can also enable dynamic boost, which automatically switches power plans when your PC enters and leaves the idle state. Moreover, you can get notifications of when and what process changed your active power plan, and support Bitsum's independent innovation by purchasing a license.

How to Download and Install Bitsum ParkControl Pro Crack Full?

To download and install Bitsum ParkControl Pro Crack Full, follow these steps:

  • Download the setup file from this link:

  • Run the setup file and follow the instructions to install Bitsum ParkControl Pro on your PC.

  • Download the crack file from this link:

  • Copy the crack file and paste it into the installation folder of Bitsum ParkControl Pro.

  • Run Bitsum ParkControl Pro and enjoy all the features and benefits of the Pro edition.

Note: This is an illegal way of using Bitsum ParkControl Pro and we do not recommend it. If you like the software, please support the developer by purchasing a license from their official website: are the Features and Benefits of Bitsum ParkControl Pro?

Bitsum ParkControl Pro offers a number of features and benefits that can help you optimize your CPU performance and power consumption. Some of them are:

  • ProBalance: This is Bitsum's proprietary algorithm that maintains system responsiveness during high CPU loads. It intelligently adjusts the priorities of running processes to prevent them from monopolizing the CPU resources.

  • Performance Mode: This is a feature that enables the Bitsum Highest Performance power plan, which disables CPU core parking and frequency scaling entirely, for ultimate performance. You can use this mode when you need maximum speed and responsiveness from your PC.

  • Responsiveness Metric: This is a feature that monitors system responsiveness with a proprietary metric that reflects the user experience. You can use this metric to evaluate the impact of different power plan settings and tweaks on your system performance.

  • Automation: This is a feature that allows you to automate CPU affinities, priorities, and other process settings based on various criteria. You can create rules to apply specific settings to specific processes or groups of processes, or to switch power plans automatically based on certain conditions.

  • Power Plans: This is a feature that allows you to switch power plans manually or automatically based on various criteria. You can choose from predefined power plans or create your own custom ones. You can also use IdleSaver, which switches to a more conservative power plan when your PC is idle, but restores the previous one when you resume activity.

  • Watchdog Rules: This is a feature that allows you to create rules to take action on a process when it reaches a certain threshold of resource consumption or other criteria. For example, you can terminate a process that consumes too much CPU time or memory, or lower its priority or affinity.

  • Algorithms: This is a feature that allows you to use various algorithms such as the CPU Limiter, Instance Balancer, and Group Extender to optimize your CPU performance and utilization. For example, you can limit the CPU usage of a process, balance the CPU cores among running instances of an application, or enable processor group unaware applications to make full use of the CPU.

  • Audit System Activity: This is a feature that allows you to log and audit process launches and other selected system activity. You can use this feature to monitor and analyze the behavior of your system and processes.

How to Use Bitsum ParkControl Pro?

To use Bitsum ParkControl Pro, follow these steps:

  • Launch Bitsum ParkControl Pro from the Start menu or the system tray icon.

  • Select the power plan you want to modify from the drop-down menu at the top.

  • Adjust the CPU core parking and frequency scaling settings using the sliders or checkboxes below.

  • Click on Apply to save your changes.

  • If you want to enable dynamic boost, check the box next to Enable Dynamic Boost and select the active and idle power plans from the drop-down menus below.

  • If you want to get notifications of power plan changes, check the box next to Enable Power Plan change Notifications.

  • If you want to access more features and options, click on More Options at the bottom right corner.

Note: You can also use Process Lasso, another software by Bitsum that offers more features and functions than ParkControl Pro. You can download Process Lasso from their official website: e0e6b7cb5c


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