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Benjamin Eliseev

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VTHE INDIANAPOLIS JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1891.1EE LNDUNAFOLB NATIONAL BANKXf a! gca ted United States Depository.Center Reem. Odd-Fellows' Hall.7PFo.r. nrcnrr. Tres'i. E. E-ltixroao. Cmi.FINANCE AND LOCAL TRADEHoliday Business Making Itself Apparent in Bank Deposits of Merchants.Gratifjinj Exhibits of the CIearinc-IIon.seCorn Goinj: Down in Price Jotters Surprised at a "Slump" In Solars.3IONEY AND STOCKS.Hank repoit Owing to Holiday Trade Continue to Increase Clearlng-IIons Figures.The clearances of the associated banksyesterday rere $754,16t!.cr; balances, $S.C25.S. On tbo corresponding day of 18'JOthe clearances were S740.1S7.0S; balauces.SC3.022.45. Nothing shows moro conclusively than these clearances the solidgains made in business in this city overlast year. Each succeeding day of 1SD1- compared with n like dato in 1S00 shows atreat increase in clearances. There is anoccasional day in the past year in whichtbo clearances exceed tnose of lstfl, but theinstances are rare, hunk deposits continue to increase, owing to the local holi-- day trade which ib now begining.JifcW YORK QUOTATIONS.At New York, yesterday, money on railwas easy, ranging from to 3 per cent.,the last loan being made at 2 per cent.;closing offered at per cent.Prime mercantile paper, 4"'2G per centsterling exchange was quiet and strong' at U3-i, for sixty -day bills and M.b5 for' demand.The total sales cf stocks were 2C2.021tl -res. including the following: Atchison.11,710; Canada Southern. 6,700; ChicagoGas, S1.00C; Erie, 15.1S5; Louisville &Nashville, 4,505; Missouri Pacific, 5.800;Northwestern, 5.0OJ; New York Central. 15,470; Northern Pacific preferred, 12.000; Richmond & West Point, 9,000; St. Paul. 10,330;Union Pacihc, 7,500.The stock market was still only moderately active, and for the auiouut of business done exhibited less feature than foraoy day for same time. The strength,however, remained unimpaired throughouttbOBession. -while the advances were notmarked, and, except in ono cr two cases,they were general and uniform. The Vauderbilts. the grangers and specialties monopolized the marked movements, whilethe general list moved slowly and quietlythroughout tho lay. The Jeaturo of thetransactions was tho continued buying forinvestment and the-activity and strengthiu New York Central. The expectation hasbecome quite general that G nor cent, willbe declared on the stock for theyear. The final announcement of thedeal botween the Milwaukee. LaKo Shore& Western and the Northwestern causedthe selling of the latter to some extent, butwithout making any impression on theprice, while the former advanced anotherlli per cent, on trivial transactions. Therewas large buying of Hock Island, but the'realizing sales were snmcient to prevent it9getting much above 67. The tracing in theother grangers was very moderate, andmarked by no feature of interest. The'movements in tho other Vnnderbilts werenot specially important, and while CanadaSouthern and Michigan Central were bothstrong, they were kept within comparatively narrow limits. 'I he strong point iu thelist, however, was Chicago tJa. whichwas nut only the most active, but scoredtho most important gain of the day. Thobuying was largely for the "long" arcounr,and whilo the traders were Inclined t takeprofits on tho advances the demand wasmost urgent and the advance- rapid, especially during tho forenoon. The market onthe whole opened strong and remained sothroughout the day, while making no greatprogress toward higher figures. The dealingsasa rule remained barren of feature.The close was quiet but firm to strong attr about the highest prices of the day.Most of the active stocks are fractionallyhigher, but Chicago Gas is up 14 percent., and Milwaukee, Lake Shore &Western preferred lVi.Kailroau bonds were comparatively moroanimated than stocks, and tho dealingsshowed the nsual wide distribution without any special prominence in anyoneissue outside of the Chicago Sz Lrie incomer, which contributed (219.030 to theday's total business of (2.000.000. Thnbonds mentioned wete specially strongand scored a net gain for the day of 2L4per cent., closing at 47. tho highest pricethey have attained. Many other marketadvances were made, however, and Hocking Valley sixes-rose 2l'. to 92 Va; Louisville, t-Louis fc Texas tirsts 2 per cent.,totC; Norfolk & Western lives 2.taWl,and tome others of a like character.Government bonds were dull but firm.State bonds were dull and steady. Closing quotations were:Four perct. res... 11 6 a! Louis. A Nash 80 Hilour per ct. coup.ll7 L & New Albany.. 24rucUiv ts of U5...100 MifMouri Pacific. ... 573aAtchison 438Adams Express. ..143Alton JtT. II 2.)Alton JtT. II. rref . Vlii. American Expresjl 13t ies. A Ohio 20C A O. pre?, lsts. 50C& O. rref.2ds,.C. If. Jt 12 1059C. CCA tit. 1- 71Lei.. Lack. &Fort Wayne 152Lake trie A W.... lt7rL.E.& W.prcf.-.. ahiLakehbore 125HiLfoc! Trust 17N. J. Central 111!Northern raciUo.. 242N. Paciflo pref 07Northwestern 1144Northwestern pref lH'JN. Y. Central 1173O. A Mississippi .. 114O. V M. vrel 85I'eorla, I. & E 204rtillumn Talace ISOUock Island fcti7d17. 3. Express 4JV., St. L. & V 13W..tit.Lfcipref. 27aWells-Fargo Ex... .140Western Union.... bl4Bar silver at New Yorc. yesterday, wasquoted atUSVc per ounce; at London, 44d.GRAIN AND PRODUCE.State of the Local Market The Signs ThatIlnyrr for Kxport Sm In the East." On Change ytsterday wheat was easier;crm dull and ea3'; oats easier on white,steady and rather firm on mixed. Therewere inspected in eleven cars of wheat,tweaty-nine cars of corn, live cars of oatsand five cars of hay.Buyers for export felt the ir.tlaenco oftho decllno in New York yesterday, whichwaalrom 3to4 cents and upward on allcorn grading below contract, and 2 centson that coming to contract grade. The arrivals East are getting large, owing to thelessening of the blockade on various roads.This weakens the price materially for cornto 'be shipped from country points, andmakes tho decline about equal to that iuthe East.Prices on 'Change yesterday ruled asfollows:Wheat-No. 2 red. 94c; No. S red. 01c;rejectee;, fcOizeSc: unmerchantable, G5275c;wagon wheat, IPJc.Corn (all new) No. 1 white. 43c; No. 2"white, 45c; white mixed. 44c; No. 3whitr.45e, 1 color; No. 2 yellow. 4.r: No. S3 ellow, 4c; No. 2 mixed, 43c; No. 8 mixed,4U; ear, 41tf42l3C.Oau-No. white. 5c: No. 8 vhite,8Cc; No.2mixed,ile; rejected, SI fiJe.Hay Timothy, thoiee, $l?.50; No. 1.Si 1.5V; No. 2. tl.50; No. 1 prairie. $6; No. 2,Z; mixed hay, 87.POULTUV, GAMK AND OT II 15 It PRODUCE.Bet few qnails are coming in, though thisis tho last week in which they can be law.fully killed. Thero is a fair supply of rabbits, but tha demand is brisk and all thatcome are quickly bought by local dealers.Butter is plenty and the market is barelysteady. Prices paid by dealers yesterdaywere:Ponltry Hens, Che V 1; young chicken.the It: tnrkeja. fat. choice hens. 0l5c 4ITi. and W'io for fancy young tome; ducks,Cc tLx geese, 4 doz.Canie Qnails. doz; telling at Si. 25 'J)10; rabbits, 75 i'jOc l doz. selling at1.15.Kggs Shippers paring 22e.Butter Choice country. Wu ICc: common.FfelCc; choice retailing from store at 2510cCheese New York full cream. ISSHc;gkims, 57c ij B.f iSelling prices.)Feathers Prime geese, S5o T6; mixedduck, 20c V lo.Beeswax Dark, 85c: yollow. 40c, (sellingprice); ilenU rs pav l'UmVc.Wool Tub-washed end picked. SCSCc:unwashed medium and common grades, ifin good order. 20223c; hurry and cotted,15 S lie; tine merino, ISc.JIUic. Taliotr, r.!r.Hides No. 1 G. S. hides. 5c; No. 3Q.S.hides, 4c; No, 1 green, SVac; No. 2 green.2VcHorse Hides $2 .502:Tallow No. 1.3' '34c. No. 2.30.Grease White, Sc; yellow. Sc; brownI Vic.Bones Dry, $12213 per ton.GKF.EN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.The demand for oranges is increasing andprices have slightly advanced. From thistime until the holidays are over a largetrade is expeoted in this fruit. Sellingprices yesterday were:Apples Common. 1.50; choice, $1.7322.25;fancy, $2.50; p barrel.Grapes Cataw has. C5c for 10-Hi basketsand 18-a 20c for 5-Its; Emperors. $4.50per 40-It crate: Malagas, 87 for light-weighttecs, and $7S8 for medium to full weight.Cranberries Cape Cod. S7-S8 4- barrel;C2.50a2.rH bushel; .Terey. $2.50 4 busheLOranges-FJoridas. 5-'2..'W box.Lemons Choice. $4 1.50 l box; fancy,(5'o.'5.5C; Malaga. S4.Bananas $1.50221' Lunch, according tofcizn and tjualitr.Celery Home-grown, EoSGOc rer bnnch;Michigan. 15-'JOo for common. 40245c forfancy white plumes.Potatoes Indiana. 44c P bushel fromcar; Michigan. 4"c: from store. 452500.Mweot Potatoes Jersey, $3.2523.50 1 brl;Illinois, iZloGZ: kiln-dned Jersey. $3.23Cabbage Home grown. 75c?? $1 4 barrel;choice Michigan, $4.504j 100; $1 1 brl.Onions Yellow. tKJc3$l 4 bushei: red,$1; Spanish onions, $1.: 521.50 crate.Cider Dutiy, pure, $5 per trade brl;half brls, $3; Oliver Bros.' sand refined,$5.5035.75 per brl; half brls, $3.2523.50;Caruon's New York pure, $4.50 brl; halfbrls. $2.50.Hiekory Nuta Large, $1 per bushel;small, $1.501.75.THE JOIHJING TItADE.Sharp Decline In Sugar Which Surprised Everybody No Low Grades In the Market.The sudden and sharp drop in the priceof sugars on Monday took most of theIndianapolis wholesale grocers bysurprise, though the fluctuations ofthe sugar market should not surpriseany one. There had, however, beena considerable period without changeand the street thought that .things mightgo on that way, if not forever, at least forsome time yet. There aro none of thelowest grades of sugar now ou this market.The mtotat inns gitcn bcloxc tire the selling juicesoj wholesale dealers.CAKDIES AXD NUTS.Candies Stick, 6c per ID: common mixed,Cc; G. A. K. mixed, be. cream mixed. 10c;old-time mixed. 7c; crimp mixed. lOo.Nuts Sott-shelled almonds, 17c; pecans,15c; English walnuts, 10215c; Brazil nuts,10c; filberts, l'Jc; peanuts, roasted, 52) 7c;mixed nuts, 12c.CANNED GOODS.Peaches Standard, S-ponnd, $1.7522; 3pound second?, Sl.SO'al.40; Californiastandards. $ra2J0: California seconds,8222.25. Miscellaneous-Blackberries, 2ponnd. 852 U5c; raspberries. 2-pound, $1,200l.TO; pineapple, standard. 2-pouuu. $1.402.50; second. 2-pound, $1.2022.25; cove oysters. 1-pound, full weight. $1.0521.10; light.V52 70c; 2-pound, full. $2.1522.25; light,$1.20; string beans, 52'.)5c: Lima beans,$1.10 1.20; peas, marrow fat. $1.1021.20; early June. $1,252-1.50; lobsters, $1,S522; redcherries. Uic2$1.10; strawberries, $1.2021.3J; salmon (Itst, $1.S52 2.50.COAL AND COKE.Anthracite coal, all sizes, $7 ton: Pittsburg and Kaymond City, $4.50 1 ton; Jacksou, $1.25; block, $3.50; Island City. $3.25;Blofshtirg and English cannel, $5. All nutcoals 50 cents below above quotations.Coke Connellsville. $3.75 load; crushed,$3.25 load; lump, $3t load.DRIED FItUITff.Apples Sun-dried, 4M25c per It; evaporotcd, e'Sc.Peaches Common sun-dried, 4Mi25c perlb; common evaporated. 20c. CaliforntaKun-drlcd, 7211c; California evaporated,0212c.Apricots Sun-dried. 9-311C per 15; evaporated. 102) 12c.Kaislns Loose Muscatel, $1.7522.26 perbox; London layor. $222.50 per box; Valencia, 829c per 16; layer, C210c.Currants G'SMi'&c per lb.Prunes Turkish, i2Sc per lb; California,7 2-1 Co.Figs Layer, IS lRc per 15.DRUUS.Alcohol. $2.312 2.45; asafetida, 2f225c;alum. 4a5c; camphor. 552)K0; cochineal.50 a 55c; chlorotorm, (XJ2C5; copperas, brls.,S"c2)$l; cream tartar, pure, 30ft .H5c; indigo,8J251c; licorice. Calab.. genuine, 30245c;magnesia, carb.. 2-oz,, 2535c; morphine, P.&. W.. oz., $2.20; madder. 14218c; oil, castor, gab, $1.1521.20; oil, bergamout. J$4.50; opium, $2.25; quinine, P. & Noz.. 31'2i.,(c; balsam copaiba. 70275c: soup,Castile, Fr., I2'2irc: soda, bicarb., 4420c;salts, Epsom, 435c, sulphur, llour, 526c;ealtpoter. K220c; turpentine, 402)4."; glycerine, 18&22c; iodide potass., $2.b523; bromide potass.. 402 42c; chlorate potash, 18c;borax. 132 l'e; cinchonidia, 12215c; carbolic acid, Sl':;5c.Oils Linseed oil. Taw, 37240c per gal.;coal oil, legal test. 7G14c; bauk, 4('c; beststraits, 50c; Labrador. (X)c; West Virginialubricating. 202o0c; miners'. 45c. Lard oils,No. 1, S0&55c; do., extra, f-CSCoc.White Lead Pure. 7 c. 'DUY GOODS.Bleached Sheetings Androscoggin L.74; Berkeley. No. Co, 7c; Cabot. 7e; Capital, ftr; Cumberland,; Dwight Anchor,6c; Fruit of Loom. S'.sc; Farwell, 134c;Fitchville.7c; Full Width. 534c; Gilt Edge.5i: Gilded Age, 5c; Hill, 7c; Hope, 7Uc;Liuwood, 6c; Lousdale. S'ic; LonsdaleCambric, 10c; Masonville, 84; Peabody,54c: Pride of the West. 114c; Quinebaug,C4c; Star of tho Nation. 64c; Ten Strike.C4c; Peppereli 0-4. 20c; Pcpperel 10-4, 22c;Androscoggin 9-4, 20c; Androscoggin 10-4,.Brown Sheetings Atlantic A, 7c: Argvle,Clic; BoottC,54c; Buck's Head, 6-4C; Clifton CCC. 0c; Constitution, 40-inch, 7c;Carlisle. 40-inch, 7c; Dwight Star, 7c; GroatFalls E,7c; Great Falls J, dc; Lood LuckLL. 5ic: Harper LL, 5c; Hill Fine. 7c;Indian Head, 7c; Lawrence LL, 5 Vic; Lockwood B, c; Nabob Boyal,334c; Lone JackH, Sc; Pensacola A. 54c; l'riuee8, CUc;Saranac K. 04c; Trion Sea Island, 54e; Penperell E,7c; Peppereli K, Cic; Peppereli P-4,174c; l'eppercH'lO-4. 2)e: Androscoggin 9-4,l!fc; Androcoggiu 10-4, 20c.PriniA Cambrics Manville, 54c; S. S. &Son's. 54c; Masonvilb. 54c; Gtirner, 54c.Tickngs Amoslceng ACA, 124c; Conestoga BF. 144c: Cordis 140, 134c: Cordis FT.134c; Cordis ACE, l::4e; Hamilton awning,104c; Kimono Fancy, ltc; Lenox Fancy, 20c;Methnen AA. 12c; Oaklnd 200, 74c; Oakland 20. be; Oakland AF. 7r; PortMiioutb,124c: Susquehanna, 144c; Shctucket SV,74c; Shetucket F. Sc; Swift Hiver. 6a4CGrain Bags Amoskeag. $10.50; American.$Kl5:Franklinville, $17.50; Harmony. $10.50;Stirk, $I'J.50.Ginahams Amoskeag Staples, C34c; Amoskeag Persian Dress. 84c; Bates WarwickDress. 8c; Johnson BF Staples. 94c; Johnson BF Fancies, 84c; Lancaster. 7c; Lancaster Nomsnda, 8c; Carrolton. 4lc; Benfrew Dress, 64c: Renfrew Novelties, 104c;Whittintou Heather, 734c; Calcutta DressStyles. 74c.Prints Allen dress styles, 5Uc; Allen'sstaples, 5c; Allen Tli, S'Uc; Allen robes. 54c;American indigo, 5c: American robes.64c; American shirtings. 5"Uc; Arnoldmerino, t'c; Arnold indigo,54c; Arnold LCC,9c. Arnold LCB. 10c: Arnold Gold Seal. 10c;Cocheco fancy. Cc; Cocheeo madders. 54c:Hamilton fancy, ; Machester fancy, 0c;Merrimack fancs e; Merrimack pinks andpurples. C4c; Pacific fancy, Cc; Pacific robe,04c; Pacific mourning, t'c; Simpson Eddystone, Cc; Simpson Berlin solids. 54c: Simpson's boil finish, 7c; Simpson's greys, Cc;Simpson's mournings, Cc.OKOCEItlES.CoflVe-Good. 2042214c; prime. 214a224c: strictly prime to choice. 232 234c;fancy green and yello. , 2542274c: oldgovernment Java, 352S:V: ordinary Java,204 2)30 4c; imitation Java. 27422s4e.Boastea coOee lIb packages, 20V4CSugars Hard, 5c: confectioners' A,44e; otr A. 424 Vsc: white extra C, S VH'ic;extra C. 3423c; good yellows, 3234c;fair yellows. 3lc.Molasses and Syrups New Orleans mo-I. tsses. fair to prime, 30 40c; choice, 40250c: syrups. 3o42r.Honey If lSc & Tl.Bice Louisiana, C274c; Carolina, 54Beans Choice, hand-picked navy. $22)2.25 bu; medium hand-picked. $22)2.10.Spices Pepper. lC2)lic; allspice, 12215c:cloves. 20225c; cassia, 10 12c; nutmegs, bOa.c5c y it.Salt in car lots, 95c; small lots, siwi.ukWoodenware No. 1 tubs, $72)7.25; No. 3tubs. $02(12"); No. 3 tubs, $525.25; 3-hooppails. $1,702:1.75: 2-hoop pails. $1,402)1.45;double washboards, $2.2522.75; commonwashboards, $1.502;1.85; clothes-pins. 5085c box.Wooden Dishes-Per 100. 1 re.'juc; si5a,mmJX , J HIS, WV,i lFI, tJs.Twine Hemp. 122)18c ? !b; wool, 8210c;flax.2030c; paper, lie; jute. 12 15c; cotton.1C225C.Shot $1.5021.55 y bag fordrop.Lead 7S7l4C for pressed bars.Flour-sacks (nanerl Plain. 1-32 bbl. 41.000, $3.50; 1-10, $5; 4 bbl. 8; 4 bbl. $16; No.2 drab, plain. 1-32 bbl, 4j 1.000, $3.75; 1-10.f0.2.; Hi, 10; 4. $20; No. 1 cream, plain, i-xjt? l.CW, $7; 1-16, $8.75; 4, 14.00; l4.xiz. charge for printing.IRON AND STEEL.Bar iron (rates 1.9022c; horseshoo bar..3c; nail rod. Cc: plow-slabs. 3c; Americancast steel, 9c; tire steel, 3c; spring stool, oc.LEATHER.Leather Oak sole, 24233c; hemlock sole.2228c; harness. 24231c; skirting, 31233c;black bridle. 4? doz.. o)2G: lair bridle.$00278 i doz.; city kip. (V'a83e; Frenchkip, e5c2$l.l0; city calf-skins, 70c2)$l;French calf-skins, $121.80.NAIES AND IIOR!E9IIOEP.Steel cat nails, $1.80; wire nails. $2.10,rntes: ; horseshoes. & keg. $4.25: mule-shoes.y keg, $5.25; horse-nails. $425.OIL CAKE.Oil cake, $24.S0 ton; oil meal, $2L50.PKOVISION3.Hams Sugar-cured. 0 lbs average 94c;13 lbs average, 10c; 15 lbs average, lOc;124 lbs average, 11c; 10 lbs average. 114c;block hams, 10 to 20 lbs average, 10c; boneless hams, 8c; California hams, 8 lbs average, 7i c: 13 lbs average. 70.Breakfast Bacon, Clear English-cured.11c; very light pieces, 10c; choice sugarcured, 10c ,Shoulders English-cured. 12 lbs average,74c; 10 lbs average, 7l4c; rolled, 84c; sugarcured. 11 to 15 lbs average, C3ic.Bacon Clear sides, 25 to 30 lbs average,84 c; 40 lbs average, 8c; clear bellies, 10lbs average, 9c; range of 15 to 30 lbs, samoquality and average as heretofore, witho


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